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Trade and Commerce

While commerce is concerned with facilitating the exchange of goods and services in the economy, trade simply means buying and selling of said goods and services in return for money. To stay competitive in the global economy, organizations must have a thorough understanding of the dynamics of trade and commerce. That is why the Center for Commerce and Diplomacy produces research that informs government and business leaders about the challenges of international commercial diplomacy in an evolving global economy.

Faculty and Research

Related Faculty

  • John Ahlquist

    John Ahlquist

    Professor; Director, Pacific Leadership Fellows Program

    Research Fields: political economy, comparative politics, labor market institutions, income inequality, international trade

  • Peter Cowhey

    Peter Cowhey

    Dean Emeritus and Qualcomm Chair Emeritus

    Research Fields: U.S. trade policy, foreign policy, communications and information technology, Internet, biological threats, international corporate strategy, microfinance industry to alleviate poverty

  • Richard Feinberg

    Richard Feinberg

    Professor Emeritus

    Research Fields: Cuba, Latin America, U.S. foreign policy, multilateral institutions, trade and investment, globalization, democratization, non-governmental organizations

  • Jim Lambright

    Jim Lambright

    Professor of Practice

    Research Fields: business, energy policy, global finance

  • Munseob Lee

    Munseob Lee

    Assistant Professor; Director, Korea-Pacific Program

    Research Fields: macroeconomics, economic growth, development economics, Korean economy

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  • Center for Commerce and Diplomacy

    Center for Commerce and Diplomacy

    For the advancement of worldwide peace and prosperity, our mission is to produce high-quality research that informs government and business leaders about the challenges and institutions of international commercial diplomacy in a changing world. Launching in late 2019.