Advisory Groups
We are fortunate to be guided by a robust group of local and global practitioners able to provide insight and advice on the school’s teaching and research enterprise.
International Advisory Board
The International Advisory Board was formed in 1986 to aid the dean in achieving the vision and mission of the school. Members provide counsel on current issues that affect our role as an established leader in the region. A list of current and emeritus members is listed below.
2024–25 Members
Lisa Larroque Alexander, Senior Vice President, Corporate Affairs, Sempra
Bill Bold, Chief Strategy Office, Palomar Holdings Inc.
Carlos Casasus, Director General, Corporacion Universitaria para el Desarollo de Internet, A.C. (CUDI)
M. Javade Chaudhri, Partner-in-Charge Middle East/Africa Region, Jones Day
Shawn Covell ’12, Head of ESG Strategy and Global Leadership, Lam Research
Charles H. Dallara, Advisory Partner and Chairman of the Board, Partners Group USA
Ambassador Diana Lady Dougan, Senior Adviser, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Phyllis Epstein, Community Volunteer
Wain Fishburn, Partner, Cooley
Caroline Freund, Dean, UC San Diego
David Graham, Global Civic Innovation Fellow, Technology and Entrepreneurship Center, Harvard
Jay Hanson ’96, Chief Operating Officer, Inxeption
Robert "Bob" Hormats, Managing Director, Tiedemann Advisors
S. Doug Hutcheson, Board Member, Kymeta Corporation
Vivek Lall, Chief Executive, General Atomics Global Corporation
James Lambright, Former Chairman
Zhong Yuan Li, Chairman, Manfield Chemical Holdings Ltd.
Gary Mar, President and CEO of Canada West Foundation
David Michael, Managing Partner, Anzu Partners
David Noel '14, Vice President of Digital Strategy, JP Morgan
Henry "Hank" Nordhoff, Chairman and CEO, Banyan Biomarkers
Scott Park '90, President, CEO and Chairman of the Board, Doosan Bobcat
Brooke Partridge '91, CEO and Founder, Vital Wave Consulting Inc.
Rafael Pastor, Former Chairman of the Board and CEO, Vistage International
Trac Pham '96, Co-CEO and Board Member of Sprinklr, Inc.
Alex Rogers, President Qualcomm Technology Licensing (QTL) and Global Affairs, Qualcomm Inc.
Donald J. Rosenberg, Former Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, Qualcomm Inc.
Sachio Semmoto, Executive Chairman, RENOVA Inc.
Andrew "Drew" E. Senyei, Managing Director, Enterprise Partners Venture Capital
Rebecca Reichmann Tavares, President & CEO, BrazilFoundation
Ricardo Tavares, Senior Corporate Affairs Manager, Government Affairs and Public Policy, Google
Manuel Weinberg, President,
Yiru Zhou '93, Vice President of China Operations, Qualcomm Technologies Inc.
Past Members
Richard Atkinson
Benjamin Bahney
Lori Barsness
Stephen Baum
Douglas Bereuter
Arindam Bhattacharya
Nicholas Binkley
James Brailean
Blake Brownlow
Kurt Campbell
Kasey Carroll
Richard Chen
Kathryn Collier
Anne Craib
Thomas D'Aquino
Shelia Davis
Melissa Dennis
Paul Drake
William Fallon
Aaron Feldman
Henrietta Fore
David Freitas
Kenneth Hamlet
Matthew Hill
Ahn Hong-chul
Xiaoqing Huang
Darcel Hulse
Aaron Jacobson
James Jameson
Gail Kee
Jason Kim
Dee Lew
Susan Lew
James Madsen
Susan Mallory
Ron Mannix
Etran Chane McComic
Peter F. Moritzburke
Katsuhiro Nakagawa
Diana Negroponte
Robert Neilson
Liliana Pao
Brian Powers
Nirupama Rao
Jeffrey Rector
Mark Rinella
Ryan Robinson
Eddie Rodriguez
Keith Russell Jr.
Hans Schoepflin
Richard Sinkin
Susan Snow
John So
Hernan Somerville
Peter Stanley
Daniel Sullivan
Masaaki Tanaka
Robert Thomas
Carlos Vidali
Jing Wang
R.B. Woolley Jr.
David Zuercher
Eric Zwisler
In Memoriam
Fredric Berger
Paul Boeker
Jeffery Donahue
Robert Ellsworth
Frances Hesselbein
Jerome Katzin
Lucy Killea
Toshiaki Ogasawara
Charles Robins
Jeremiah Robins
Lawrence Robinson
Kwan So
Jack White
GPS Alumni Board
Members of the board are elected by the alumni and meet throughout the year to establish, in collaboration with the dean and UC San Diego Alumni, the goals and objectives for the school. The board assists the staff in the implementation of programs for more than 3,000 alumni worldwide annually.