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School of Global Policy and Strategy School of Global Policy and Strategy

Peter Gourevitch

Founding Dean and Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Peter Gourevitch is the founding dean of the School, serving from 1986 to 1998, and distinguished professor emeritus of political science at UC San Diego. He is an expert on international relations and comparative politics, specializing in political economy with a particular focus on international trade and economic globalization, trade disputes, regulatory system and corporate governance.

Gourevitch is currently studying corporate governance systems in a globalizing world economy, comparing differences in the way countries structure companies and their relationship to shareholders.

His most recent book is "The Credibility of Transnational NGOs: When Virtue is Not Enough," with David A. Lake and Janice Gross Stein (editors), Cambridge University Press (2012).

He coedited the journal International Organization from 1996 to 2001 and published “Political Power and Corporate Control: The New Global Politics of Corporate Governance” and “Politics in Hard Times: Comparative Responses to International Crisis.” Other publications deal with U.S.-Japan relations, international relations after the Cold War, Europe and France.

He was awarded the 2014 Roger Revelle Medal (video). 

Education and CV

Ph.D., Political Science, Harvard University, 1969
B.A., Government, Oberlin College, 1963

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Accountability Case Studies Project

Corporations, NGO and Nonprofits Case Studies Project

These case studies, developed by students mostly at GPS, some at the Watson Institute of Brown University, explore issues of accountability: the ways corporations are held accountable for complying with various standards, legal and ethical concerning the environment, labor standards, food safety, working conditions, human rights, shareholder rights, investing and other important issues. It examines the role of NGOs, self-monitoring by firms, international standards, government regulation, norms, the law and politics.

The cases are meant for teaching purposes and are available to students at any institution, subject to copy write rules. All of these cases are copyrighted. Thus, if you reference them for papers or publications, you must make a citation to them. Please use this format: Aguirre, Sustainable Seafood, GPS CSR Case 05-01, 2005 or Brown-Watson Case 15-01, 2016.

As new case studies are generated they will be added to the Accountability Case Study Project library.

Table of Contents: Accountability Case Studies Project library, January 2016. The Table of Contents is a downloadable Excel spreadsheet listing the case studies by name of the student, by category and name of the organization.


Aquirre, Tobias, Sustainable Fishery Advocates (SFA), and the "FishWise" Label

Aronofsky, Abigail, Media Monitoring in the U.S.: A Matter of FAIRness

Ascoli, Kim, GoodGuide: Is This Company Really Providing Customers with Accurate and Reliable Product Information?

Barrier, Francis, The Bio Suisse Organization: An Analysis of the "Bud"-Label and its Credibility

Bartter, Jacqueline, A New Model of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study of TOMS Shoes

Beseda, Tenille, Food Alliance and Burgerville: Credible Collaborators or Colluding Cohorts

Black, John, Petrobas

Cafouros, Katie, US Livestock Producer Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management and Understanding

Campanelli, Arianna, Banks and Cluster Bombs Funding: A Lethal Business

Canamaso, Janna, The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement (IFOAM): Analysis of its Goals and Certification Credibility

Cebrián Aranda, Teresa, (Brown-Watson) Starbucks - NGO Partnerships: A Corporate Social Responsibility Façade

Chavez, Sarah, Workers Rights Consortium and University Logos

Cheng, Jennifer, Domini Social Investments: A CSR Case Study

Conway, Stephanie, Whole Foods Market: An Industry Leader?

Crowe, Stephen, The Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics & The Leaping Bunny Logo

Cummings, Shannon, The SA8000 Standard

Erickson, Nicoulas, 3rd Party Monitors Spur Action in McDonald’s Chinese Food Safety Protocols

Engelman, Eric, Market Transformation: How the U.S. Green Building Revolutionized the Building Industry

Fernandez, Katrina, One World Trust: Global Accountability Report

Fox, Tim, The Coffee System: What Standard, What Means- FairTrade and UTZ

Goodman, Marla, IBM: Green or Greenwashed

Gomez Wills, Camila, Corporate Behavior Change: Forced labor in tech supply chains–The Case of GoPro

Gorham, William, Carbon Disclosure Project: Credible Platform for Emission Data?

Ha, Sun Mi, Ford Motor Company: Sustainability

Hagman, Angelica, Social Accountability International and the SA8000

Hak, Savy, Green Seal and the Lodging Industry

Hansen, Amy, The Ecotourism Industry and the Sustainable Tourism Eco-Certification Program (STEP)

Hirt, Deoborah, Verite: Auditing Labor Standards

Horowitz, Jeff, Designated Operational Entities (DOE): An Evaluation of DOE's Monitoring Performance of Clean Development Mechanism Projects under the Kyoto Protocol

Huang, (Annie) Shang-Ching, Adidas Corporate Social Responsibility

Huang, Lance, Building Coalitions: An Evaluation of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility

Hur, Eileen, Hewlett-Packard's Global Citizenship Program: The Model of CSR Alliance with Profit, the Corporation's Ultimate Goal

Hwang, Cindy, Rainforest Alliance Smartwood Certification: Assessment of Program Credibility

Hwang, Jung Joo, Is Merck’s corporate social responsibility good for the global health?

Ishihara, Fernanda Luchine, The INDITEX Group Case

Jinn, Jessica, The Global Network Initiative

Jost, Lane, Conservation International and the Credibility of the Purchase Power Partnership Model

Jost, Lane, Leveraging Purchasing Power to Preserve Biodiversity: The Partnership Between the McDonald's Corporation and Conservation International

Keegan, Jessica, Accountability in the Fashion Industry: Loopholes in the H&M Value Chain

Kostova, Iva, The Humane Touch: Farm Animal Wellbeing Certification by American Humane Association

Kwon, Byungho, Dolphin-safe Tuna Label by Earth Island Institute

Lee, Angela, Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition

Lee, Sabrina, Apple’s Supplier Responsibility Program

Lihardo, Vici, How the Parents Television Council (PTC) Protects American Children: Promoting Social Responsibilities in the Broadcasting Industry

Magdaluyo, Stacy, B Lab is Building a New Sector of the Economy: But Can We Trust Who is Behind the Wheel?

Mendoza, Mira, Evaluating the Need for E-Recycling and Kyocera's Impact on the Environment in San Diego

Muratova, Diana, The World Wildlife Fund Reconciling Roles as a Vigilante and a Verifier

Murphy, Bethany, Has Chiquita Truly Reformed or Are They Just Green Washing?

Naizghi, Beilul, (Brown-Watson) Keeping Amazon Inc. Accountable

Navarro, Dominique, California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF)

Nelson, Natalie, You Get What You Pay For

Nguyen, Andrew, The Equator Principles in Banking: To Comply or Not Comply

Ostrow, Matthew, (Brown-Watson) Barrick Gold's Pascua Lama Drama: Costs and Bonds in Chile's Regulator-Driven Mining Monitoring System

Owens, Matthew, Sustainable Seafood Labeling: An Analysis of the Marine Stewardship Council

Peng, Namin, Environmentally-friendly Automobiles: An Analysis of ISO Accreditation of Honda Motors

Peterson, Lila, CEMEX CSR on Environment

Pongtratic, Melissa, Greening the Supply Chain: A Case Analysis of Patagonia

Purdom, Sophie, (Brown-Watson) Royal Dutch Shell

Russell, Jarrod, Is Vestas Encouraging Responsible Consumption or Merely Greenwashing for its Own Gain?

Salazar, Arturo, Social Screening in the Mutual Funds Industry: An Analysis of Calvert Funds

Shen, Yu, Fair Labor Association

Silvestri, Sophie, McDonald’s and the Fast Food Industry: Solutions for a Healthier Future

Snavely, James, The U.S. Green Building Council: Designer of the Green Building Industry

Somani, Hrishikesh, Seafood Industry in Thailand: A Closer Look at the Supply Chain of Nestle’s Seafood Sourcing in Thailand and Critiquing its Labour Practices

Stover, Mae, (Brown-Watson) The Cost of a Low Price

Stryjewski, Elizabeth, The Sustainable Forestry Initiative vs. The Forest Stewardship Council: Evaluating the Credibility of Competing Forest Certification Schemes

Suefuji, Naoki, Establishing Stronger Monitoring Mechanism of the CPUC's Ex Parte Contracts

Superti, Chiara, “Addio Pizzo": Can a Label Defeat the Mafia?

Tan, Hao, Technology Company CSR: Case Analysis of Panasonic

Tierney, Laura, The Center for Resource Solutions: Can CRS Monitor the Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Offset Market?"

Tomita, Alisha, Exploitation of On-Demand Workers: A Corporate Accountability Issue of Amazon

Torres, Argenia, TOMS Shoes: Philanthropic Capitalism

Veach, Marianne, Pressure on the Paper Production Industry: Staples Inc. & The Forest Stewardship Council

Ventura, Feliz, The Rainforest Alliance's Agricultural Certification Program: How Robust?

Vu Anthony, Vietnam

Wilcox, Kristyn, ISO 14001: An Analysis

Wood, Madeleine, (Brown-Watson) An Investigation Into Nestle's Efforts To Establish Credibility In Its Global Cocoa Supply Chain

Xu, Shirley Xiaolin, Strike the Iron While It’s Hot: Silver Lining of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill 

Zhou, Angie, Analysis of the Volkswagen Scandal Possible Solutions for Recovery

International Organization, co-editor, 1997-2001, Board of Editors, 1980-86, 1988-93, 1995-2001.

Council on Foreign Relations: member, 1991-present.

Selection Committee: International Affairs Fellowships, member since 1990, and chair of committee since 1995.

Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA), president, 1991, secretary treasurer, 1990

American Political Science Association (APSA), co-chair of program committee, 1993 annual meeting, chair, section on "International System," 1984 meetings, member Administrative Council and Executive Committee, 1990-1992.

Chair, Woodrow Wilson Award Committee, 1995.

Social Science Research Council: Committee on Western Europe, member, 1981-1989; chair, 1985-1989.

Public Policy: politics editor, (publication of the Harvard Graduate School of Public Administration), 1971.

Oct. 16, 2017: For more than a half century, John Lithgow has been delighting audiences on stage, in movies and on television. In a lively discussion with Peter Gourevitch, distinguished Professor Emeritus of Political Science at UC San Diego, Lithgow reflects on his preparations for the wide diversity of roles that have shaped his career and influenced the larger culture, from his star turn in “The World According to Garp” to his SAG-award-winning role as Winston Churchill in the Netflix original series “The Crown.”

June 2017: Gourevitch, P. (2017). The Origins of the Stanley Hoffmann We Knew: Some Comparisons on his Vichy Years with My Family Story. French Politics, Culture & Society, 35(2), 1–20. doi: 10.3167/fpcs.2017.350202

March 29, 2016: Fleeing Hitler and Stalin to America: Illuminating History with Family Stories

Dec. 28, 2015: What drives wealth and inequality? Meet Thomas Piketty, author of the best-selling book "Capital in the Twenty-First Century" and the researchers and translator that worked with him in producing this widely discussed text which has been translated around the world.

Nov. 2015: Income inequality is not just a catch phrase, it is the focus of noted economist Thomas Piketty’s groundbreaking bestseller, “Capital in the Twenty-First Century.” Detailing the origins and the implications of our growing economic disparities, the book has earned Piketty comparisons to Adam Smith, John Maynard Keynes and Karl Marx from The New York Times. Join the conversation between Piketty and Peter Gourevitch, founding dean of UC San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy, on what rising income inequality means for society. Series: "Helen Edison Lecture Series."

Nov. 11, 2015: Some members of Peter Gourevitch's family, of Russian, Jewish, Socialist origins escaped the terror of the Nazis and the Soviet Bolsheviks to reach the US in 1940. Other members did not, and were killed. What signals influenced some to leave in time, and others to stay? Drawing on family stories, on documents, and on comparative history and social theory, Gourevitch probes some larger implications of a family history.

July 7, 2014: Recent technology has made our lives much brighter, longer, fuller and healthier than ever before; but how can we ensure that we're not drowning in information and still have offline lives as well? In an interview with UC San Diego's Peter Gourevitch, essayist and novelist Pico Iyer draws upon 40 years of travel across five continents to explore how to make the most of new opportunities, without being depleted—or devoured—by them. This program is presented by the Helen Edison Lecture Series at UC San Diego.