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School of Global Policy and Strategy School of Global Policy and Strategy

Alumni Board Nomination Form

Nominations for the 2024-25 GPS Alumni Board are now being accepted!

The GPS Alumni Board is the official representative body of the GPS alumni community. The primary goal of the board is to promote the advancement of the GPS alumni community and to support the Dean, faculty and staff in their efforts to improve the school. The board strives to achieve a balanced and broad representation of the alumni community including diverse backgrounds, class years, degree programs, regions and industries.

Board members must be graduates of a GPS degree program (BA/MIA, BA/MPP, MIA, MPIA, MAS-IA, MPP, MCEPA or Ph.D.). Please see our current GPS Alumni Board members here.

Board members have defined responsibilities:

  • Strengthen alumni engagement within the GPS alumni community
  • Commit to a two-year term, starting in Fall 2024
  • Attend four board meetings per year, either virtually or in person
  • Dedicate time to board work outside of meetings (average of 8 hours per month, but sometimes greater during busier times of the year)
  • Attend GPS alumni events in your city/region to represent the board
  • Set an example by contributing to the GPS annual fund according to personal means
  • Serve as a project lead for initiatives outlined in the GPS Alumni Board Strategy Support Plan, including:
    • Serving as a connector and promoter of our alumni by identifying 2-3 yearly GPS alumni stories that can be featured in newsletters and other promotional and marketing materials
    • Promoting life-long learning by identifying executive education opportunities that may benefit our alumni and the broader policy community
    • Recommending prospective students and sharing job or internship opportunities for current students
    • Seeking out and encouraging talented alumni to consider running for the board in the next election cycle
    • Collaborating with the Admissions team on key initiatives such as outreach to admitted students

For more information on board member responsibilities, please email Marilyn Li.

To nominate one of your fellow alums, or to self-nominate, please fill out the form below. Nominations are due by July 31, 2024. Submissions will be reviewed and decided by the current GPS Alumni Board during the summer of 2024.

Thank you,

Peter F. Moritzburke
Board President, 2023-24