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Student Awards

At the end of each year, students are recognized for their achievements and/or contributions to their peers and to the GPS community. After weeks of voting and assessment, we are happy to announce the recipients of this year’s awards:


  • Okilbek Abdumavlanov, MIA '25

    Okilbek Abdumavlanov, MIA '25

    Doming Liu Award
    For a first year student who has shown leadership and significant contribution to student life as voted by the Class of 2025

  • Anjali Bhatt, MAS-IA '24

    Anjali Bhatt, MAS-IA '24

    MAS-IA – Academic Achievement Award
    Highest grade point average in the MAS-IA graduating class
  • Anne Charles, MPP '24

    Anne Charles, MPP '24

    Dean’s Teaching Award
    In memory of Ayal Margalith, awarded to best core curriculum teaching assistant or tutor as voted by the Class of 2025
  • Jordan Chu, MPP '24

    Jordan Chu, MPP '24

    Commencement Speaker Award
    Chosen by the Class of 2024 to deliver the Commencement address
  • Jonathan Elkobi, MCEPA '24

    Jonathan Elkobi, MCEPA '24

    MCEPA – Academic Achievement Award (Co-recipient)
    Highest grade point average in the MCEPA graduating class

    Richard Covington Award
    Recognizes a technically excellent program design and evaluation paper

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  • Mir Muhtadi Faiaz, MPP '24

    Mir Muhtadi Faiaz, MPP '24

    BA-MPP/MPP – Academic Achievement Award
    Highest grade point average in the BA-MPP/MPP graduating class
  • Danielle Groper, MIA '24

    Danielle Groper, MIA '24

    Language Achievement Award
    For outstanding achievement in language study at GPS
  • Daniel Hershfield, MIA '25

    Daniel Hershfield, MIA '25

    Policy Memo Award
    First year GPS student who wrote the best policy memo paper for a course

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  • Paula Jaramillo, MIA '24

    Paula Jaramillo, MIA '24

    Joseph Grunwald Award
    For significant contribution to the promotion of Inter-American understandings
  • Taysia Leung, MIA '24

    Taysia Leung, MIA '24

    Ayal Margalith Memorial Award
    In memory of Ayal Margalith to a graduating student who has shown leadership, excellence, and devotion to the GPS student body and community within their time at GPS as voted by the Class of 2024
  • Devin McCormick, MAS-IA '24

    Devin McCormick, MAS-IA '24

    MAS-IA Peer Award
    For professionalism, scholarship, collegiality, integrity, and service as voted by the Class of 2024
  • Fernanda Andrea Padilla, BA-MIA '24

    Fernanda Andrea Padilla, BA-MIA '24

    Ruth Adams Award
    Recognizes the best analytical paper (qualitative)

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  • Minh Nam Pham, MIA '24

    Minh Nam Pham, MIA '24

    BA-MIA/MIA – Academic Achievement Award
    Highest grade point average in the BA-MIA/MIA graduating class
  • Dinah Shi, MCEPA '24

    Dinah Shi, MCEPA '24

    MCEPA – Academic Achievement Award (Co-recipient)
    Highest grade point average in the MCEPA graduating class
  • Joy Werner, MPP '24

    Joy Werner, MPP '24

    EDI Award Award
    Given based on student-initiated Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) activities that have had a meaningful impact on student life and well-being

  • Akshay Yeddanapudi, MIA '24

    Akshay Yeddanapudi, MIA '24

    Econometrics Award
    Recognizes the best empirical paper (quantitative)

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