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School of Global Policy and Strategy School of Global Policy and Strategy

Summer programming postponed until 2023; please check back in Fall 2022 for more details.

Economic Diplomacy bannerPartnership for Rethinking Business Realities and Government Strategies in the 21st Century

Around the world, governments are grappling with how their agencies, industries and key stakeholders will cope with the variety of economic disruptions shaping the new decade. From rising protectionism to climate change, and from global migrations to technological changes, states are seeking to modernize their diplomatic toolbox and promote their country's economic interests in the public and private sectors.

Six leading international organizations have joined forces to form the International Institute on Economic Diplomacy:

  • HEC Montréal (HEC)
  • International Economic Forum of the Americas (Forum)
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
  • Sciences Po - Paris School of International Affairs
  • Seoul National University - Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) 
  • UC San Diego - School of Global Policy and Strategy 

This partnership advances academic knowledge in this area of rapidly growing relevance through collaboration and facilitation of student exchanges and internships to train the next generation. The Institute also provides a Summer Program to enhance economic diplomacy skills through a one-week executive education program and a three-week graduate student course.

Located on the shores of the Pacific Ocean at UC San Diego’s School of Global Policy and Strategy, the Summer Program in Economic Diplomacy features two advanced training opportunities:

Executive Education in Economic Diplomacy

Executive Program in Economic Diplomacy
The Executive Program in Economic Diplomacy combines lectures, roundtable discussions, corporate site visits in San Diego County and presentations from policy leaders from preeminent universities, corporations and civil sectors from across the globe as well as keynote addresses by top OECD officials. In the course of five days, participants will deepen their understanding of the current issues shaping trade, markets and cooperation across nations, thus benefiting their organizations.

Graduate Program in Economic Diplomacy

Graduate Program in Economic Diplomacy
The Graduate Program in Economic Diplomacy is a three-week, intensive graduate training that addresses technological, political, economic and governmental issues. Students will be exposed to the concepts of economic diplomacy, with an emphasis on understanding the governance processes and institutional functioning of different levels of decision-making bodies. Students receive 4-6 units of official credit from UC San Diego upon successful completion.